While we are excited that Faulty Apprentice has an official Steam page and Chapter One is complete, this is not time to celebrate. We want to continue the ADVENTURRRRRE!! And with the game engine finally complete, we can do that! =D
This month we have unleashed an insane amount of in-game content but before we get to that, let's start with a super secret sketch of the Commander... If you are into this character, trust me, you'll enjoy the full and nsfw versions of this sketch <3

Next up is new Training milestone scenes for each of the three Instructors! Starting with a Sweet Roll bite to eat with Brea. If you ever wondered how Brea's backside has been coping with all those carbs, then you in for some answers!

Then, it's not like she even wants to see you, but in this latest installment Instructor, Eleanna has a thing or two to say about your form. However, when you complete this round of Archery Training, you might have a thing or two to say about her form as well. Just beware of flying buttons!
Last of the Instructors (if you've managed to catch her) is the latest Magic session with Sunny! Not only will you learn a new Spell, but you will learn a bit about the Instructor's taste in underwear.And when we learn about panties, we learn about ourselves (attempts to get deep).

After all those nose bleeds from Training, you might want to slow things down and Talk to your favorite ladies. So we added Relationship paths all the way up to Day 10! That's 3 days past Chapter One, wooo! Stars Reach and its characters hold many secrets to discover, we encourage you to Talk to everyone you can. Just remember, your interactions will affect characters destiny in the Final Battle.
The last reward update for this March was not new content, but organizing old content. Now all retro-rewards can be accessed on our Digital Store, giving new patrons access to all the image sets we previously posted!
If you are not yet supporting Faulty Apprentice on Patreon, there has never been a better time to join! While these are the rewards from this month, there are other instant benefits to joining. Please consider supporting us! =D
Din + Agl Team